Monday 26 November 2012

Hamilton father goes to court to defend parental rights

Left: Dr. Steve Tourloukis (left) and lawyer Alberto Polizogopoulos (right)

Dr. Steve Tourloukis, a dentist in Ontario is taking the Hamilton-Wentworth School Board to court to recognize his right to be informed when the classes will teach a part of the curriculum that is contradictory to his Christian faith. Tourloukis stated that he doesn't mind the well-known talk about "the birds and the bees". Though, age-appropriate descriptions should be taken to account especially when some of the students taking part in these discussions are ages six and eight, similar to his own children. Tourloukis asked that he be informed when the classes teach these parts, that his children be excused from class. The school board claimed that it would be too difficult to accommodate to his preferences though, he rebuttled using the example of those of Muslim religion. Muslims at the same school are able to miss PE classes or leave classes during discussions about Halloween or Christmas. Tourloukis states that “We have failed to recognize our sacred responsibility to our children and I will not be an accomplice in the corruption of my children.”

This relates to our law class because it talks about religious freedoms and it is also an example of civil law. Similar to the last post, religious freedoms is the cornerstone to all freedoms. I think the court should side with Tourloukis because his argument is understandable in comparison to those of the Muslim religion. If the school board is able to let the Muslim children leave during the discussions of holidays that aren't apart of their religion, it is similarly doable to allow Tourloukis' children to leave the room during discussions of sex. Considering their age as well, it is understandable for him to not want his children to know about sex at the level the school is teaching it at.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Senate Speaker travels as ambassador of human rights and religious freedoms

Left: Noel Kinsella, Senate Speaker

Noel Kinsella, a senate speaker travels to other countries when he's invited by his foreign counterparts from other countries to promote religious freedoms as well as human rights. Kinsella has had a life long interest in human rights. His focus gravitates towards the Christian minorities in Syria and Egypt who are facing persecution. As he works on that, he also works on bringing religious leaders and politicians together to promote tolerance and cooperation. It allows him to not only understand the government's story but also the individuals as well. The government says to Syria that religious freedom should be respected though Kinsella also says that religious freedoms is the cornerstone to all freedoms. Even when he isn't traveling, he brings religious leaders and politicians together. He holds meetings in the historic dining room in Centre Block often inviting visiting religious leaders to give them a chance to meet the Canadian counterparts.

This relates to Law 12 because in the previous unit, we were learning about human rights fundamental freedoms. This article talks about strengthening both those things by bringing leaders together to set examples for their countries. What Kinsella is doing is an effective way of fortifying the importance of our rights and freedoms. It not only affects Canadians but it also affects the other countries as well when he takes the extra step and travels outside of Canada to achieve those goals.