Wednesday 5 June 2013

Thunder Bay residents sign up to fight crime

Around 40 Thunder Bay residents started training to help stop crime in their community. The police launched their new Zone Watch program in hopes that involving citizens will support the officers patrolling the streets building trust between the community and the police. After these citizens complete 12 hours of training over four weeks, they get access to a secure website where they're able to share info with the police working in their neighbourhoods.

More than 80 people (prior to the recent 40) have already applied for the program. Volunteers range in age from 19 to 85 with a fair split between men and women.

This relates to Law 12 because it's a good way to get the community involved with enforcing law and helping maintain the safety in their neighbourhoods. It is a more effective way to get the community to respond by getting them to help rather than being completely authoritative.

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